July 17, 2014

Thinking Out Loud #10

Quick explanation: I missed the linkup last week because I went to church camp for 5 days.
Yes, it was fun. No, I'm not sorry. Yes, I really mean that. ;)

I.  I feel obliged to say something about my camp experience this year, but it would take far too long to cover everything in one little thought box... The biggest news would probably be that I met another girl named Janessa. Yes, it is real. There are others.  O.O

II.  I also learned at camp that one can draw on oneself with a Sharpie, rub baby powder over the drawing, and hairspray over the baby powder to form a temporary tattoo that [allegedly] lasts for a month. 
Lies. All lies. Mine only lasted for two days!

III.  As well as drawing tattoos, the artist in me was compelled to also repaint my bedroom from a bright, lime green to a pale blue with nude accent walls. It's nowhere near done yet, especially because I had to buy another can of primer. Bright green does not cover easily. :p

IV.  Because I'm changing the colors, I thought "why not change the whole room?" so I've been looking at DIY room decor projects.
I like this one from Pocketful of Pretty, particularly the wall canvas. Also, I got this idea from Pinterest:
I may have to try this one out someday.

V.  Speaking of books...I have been deprived for over two weeks now! I haven't picked up a book in so long, I fear I may be morphing back into who I once was; a lazy lowlife with no care or interest in the greatness of other worlds, the feel of paper on paper on paper, the smell of old hardcovers and the joy of living multiple lives! I need a trip to the library, ASAP. 

VI.  And while we're on the topic of insanity, is it wrong that I think I may be addicted to banana bread? I've mentioned before my emotional need to have this particular baked good present in my home at all times; but the more I make it the more attached I become. I feel an actual need to have it every day, at least once. I mean come on, it could be something semi-normal, like the need for water or the need for chocolate (we'll tough on that in a sec...), but of all things, it is banana bread. 

VII.  ...And chocolate. A much more standard addiction. I do believe I am becoming a chocoholic. Hoorah; one more thing to add to my list of obsessions. 

VIII.  I'm also mildly obsessed with a girl named Dodie Clark...she's a British YouTube video-blog-maker and ukulele-playing-songwriting-glorously-magical little fairy-like individual. She is absolutely adorable and you must check out her videos. She inspires me to learn the ukulele that I've had hiding away in my closet for a year and a half now. 

IX.  Because of all the YouTube-watching I have been doing lately, my sleep pattern has been way off and I'm finding it to be increasingly difficult to get up in the mornings. There is nothing worse than waking up prematurely to my alarm (even though it is Good Morning Sunshine).

X.  And as far as workouts go, I have been skimping for a while - but I am now back on track doing pilates and yoga 5-6 days a week, as well as some random cardio and ballet stretching when I happen to think about it. I've been feeling really motivated lately, so we'll see how long I can keep this up!



  1. I always have these grand ideas of what I want to do to decorate my home, but then have the hardest time actually making it happen. Heck, I've been living in my current home for almonst 3 years now, and I have yet to actually hang more than one painting on the wall lol. I think I'm just indecisive and get overwhelmed by wanting to do ALL the things...

    1. I'm that way too! I have changed my mind SO many times about what I want to do with my bedroom, I'm almost sure this redecoration will bore me before too long. That sounds terrible, doesn't it?
