Friday was my level-up day!
As childish as it sounds, I still get excited for presents...many of which I received.
Also, you would think I took 3947262 pictures of the event; in reality I took about three, if even than many.
I apologize in advance.
As childish as it sounds, I still get excited for presents...many of which I received.
Also, you would think I took 3947262 pictures of the event; in reality I took about three, if even than many.
I apologize in advance.
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This year was uber special because, in America at least, an individual's 16th birthday is a pretty huge deal. Personally, all I wanted was a sleepover with a sizable group of my favorite girls, but Mom was set on this big party that was essentially an open house. And I haven't even graduated from my freshman year of high school yet (Mom's kinda famous for overkill. ;) ). We were [eventually] able to figure out how both of us could win: I would have two parties, back to back. Actually, three, counting the "party" I had with my family...I'm not complaining. That meant a lot of hugs, a lot of food, and a lot of cards to read. :)
On Thursday, I went went out for lunch with my parents, my brothers, and my sister.
We went to a Chinese restaurant where we got the best waiter who told us his name was Jackie Chan, and kept going on about how lucky he was to serve "such a beautiful family." I got the almond chicken with white rice, which was fantastic.
After we were finished, Jackie said to me "next time your beautiful family come here, but you bring another boy, I not serve him."
If he isn't the best waiter ever, I don't know who is.
Later, we got frozen yogurt. I went all out with the toppings, and, as always, it was delish. <3
A mess of Reese's candies, chocolate covered pretzels, mini peanut butter cups, Oreo pieces, peanut butter sauce, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and chocolate sprinkles. |
(Don't tell the others I'm picking favorites)
On Friday, before the party, I took my permit test...
...and passed! I was sweating like a horse but I had studied the book previously and riddled my mom with questions right beforehand, so I was confident in most of my answers and I only got three incorrect.
After taking my test, I had a checkup at the doctor's office (an annual thing my mom still makes me do), then from there, we picked up my friends Kaylee and Kennedi for the "pre-party."
We picked up Subway sandwiches and stopped at a local coffee house. Then we walked around town before mom picked us up to get ready for the others to arrive.
Later on, a good amount of my friends showed up for the party. I was actually really worried because - long story short - not everyone knew I was even having a party on Friday. But it worked out just fine. :)
Mom made cookies in place of cake, and, of course, there was pizza. Lots of pizza.
On Saturday, Kaylee and Kennedi and I went to the library with Dad to find some horror movies - preferably ones that were rated PG-13 because Kennedi had never seen a horror movie before. We found Mama and 1408, then we walked to Redbox for The Purge.
[Synopsis: Mama was hilarious, believe it or not. The storyline was so unrealistic, but Lucas and Annabel are a pretty cute couple and the acting wasn't horrendous so it was worth watching. Mama was played by a man with Marfan Syndrome and there was hardly and CG involved.
The Purge was the most disappointing horror movie I have ever seen. The only scary thing was the jumpscares, and even then it wasn't as scary as I let on. We tried watching it in the dark but we couldn't do it, so maybe it's because the lights were on...
1408 was also very disappointing because - again - it wasn't scary. I was anticipating something terrifying to happen but it never did and I just want the hours of my life back that I wasted on it.]
Halfway through Mama, guests started arriving. My uncle came from Ohio to make the food: turkey meatballs, cole slaw, dinner rolls, baked mac & cheese, roasted sweet potatoes and vegetables, raw vegetables and dip, and strawberry cupcakes with lemon icing. I got 12 pinkish-red roses to compliment the table...
I received a multitude of cards and gave out enough hugs to last me a week. It was fun getting to hang out with my closest friends; it still hasn't sunk in yet that I'm 16 and I can drive.
On Sunday, Mom took me driving for 55 minutes, and later Dad took me driving for 40 (30 of those were at nighttime). I almost got hit by a semi because you are not supposed to slow to a stop when you want to turn off a road to another road or a driveway or a bridge or anything else. Just don't stop. Trust me.
Frankly, I'm doing pretty well for a first-timer, I think. I agree with everyone who has their license now...driving is not as much fun as you think it is. I was so eager to start driving because I thought it'd be a breeze and I'd get the hang of it in the blink of an eye but nooooooo. Ohhhh no. My eyes are always darting precariously from the speedometer to the road to the rearview mirror back to the speedometer to the steering wheel to the road...'tis a vicious cycle of certain death. And I tend to "hug the white line" (Dad quote) which is better than veering to the middle of the road, I suppose. And at night I forgot to turn down my brights when a semi passed in the opposite lane. Agh. >.< There's a lot more mental action involved in driving than I anticipated. What did I get myself into?...
And no, I don't have my own car yet. That's not something that my parents buy for me like in those early-2000s movies where the rich daughter is given a car on her 16th birthday. 1) I'm not rich, and 2) my parents and I have already discussed that I am buying my own car when the time comes; or at least a huge portion of the cost. Dad insists that if I buy it with my own money I'm more likely to be careful with it. Which is true, because I realize now that cars are not cheap. At all.
Thanks for stopping by to hear [read] me ramble on recap my weekend. ;)
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