May 30, 2014

10 Day You Challenge ~ Day 5

Today's part of the challenge is to state six places...I'm not sure if that means six places I've been or six places I would like to go; I'm assuming the latter.

1.  New Zealand/Australia - I'm counting these as one.
I want to see New Zealand because of the filming that took place there for LotR and The Hobbit. The landscape is gorgeous and you've gotta admit, their accents are pretty cool.
Australia is high on my list because the accents are awesome there too I had a pen pal from Australia whom I haven't heard from in ages and I feel really guilty for it because I haven't been writing to her either. I figure traveling to Australia and meeting up with her could somehow make up for the years of silence between us. Also, I really really really want to see a kangaroo.

2.  South Africa

My friend Kennedi has stressed to me that she wants to visit South Africa someday. The more she talks about it, the more I want to go too!
I would love to explore new countries and cultures, and I think South Africa would be a great place full of various backgrounds.

3.  Hawaii
Typical dream vacation; I know, I know! But just look at it.
I haven't ever done so much as travel to Florida - the closest I've been to a large body of water is when I went to see Lake Michigan, and even then, all we did was drive along the road and peer through the trees when we could.
I think Hawaii would offer great opportunity to get a nice tan...

4.  Mexico
A group from my church recently embarked on a missions trip to Mexico, and now I'm incredibly interested in going when another opportunity rolls around.
Plus, from what I've heard, authentic Mexican food cannot be beat.

5.  Ireland
My cousin went to Ireland for a school trip last year; she came back and gave all good feedback. I'm more than happy to see it for myself.
Just look at the sheeeeeeeep!
6.  Everywhere else in the world. No really, I want to see everything and travel everywhere.
But to be fair, I'll pick just one, for now...
Canada has been associated with the U.S. for as far back as I can recall, and farther then. We share likenesses and not-so-likenesses, but Canada is probably the closest in culture as the U.S. than any other country.
If I'm getting my facts so over the top inaccurate, please excuse me. I hate geometry and I never was good in history. All things logical, historical, and scientifical are not at all my forte.
(yes, I do understand 'scientifical' is not a word.)

That is all for day five. Thank you for reading, come back tomorrow, and all that jazz.  ;)


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