November 03, 2013


  As 2013 is drawing to an end, I feel the need to update on my life. First off, with it being autumn and rather chilly, I have allowed myself to indulge far more in warm, temptingly delicious beverages such as coffee and hot chocolate [both of which I am shamelessly addicted to]. I discovered that adding spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg to said beverages makes for an even more delectable treat. 
  Secondly, I have made it a habit to go to the local book-providing facility [AKA library] on a regular basis, borrow books, and read them. As it turns out, there aren't as many people of my age as there once were who actually read books; they just visit the teen section of the library to play Wii. *insert displeasing head shake*  In these past four months, I have read many very good and many not-so-very-good books. A very honorable mention I shall make is The Children of Húrin by J.R.R. Tolkien. While it was sometimes difficult for me to follow, I finished it in less than a week, which, for me, is pretty fast. A not very honorable mention is If I Stay by Gayle Forman; this book wasn't bad in my opinion but it wasn't that good. The idea behind it was interesting, but it wasn't really my cuppa tea and it didn't meet up to my standards. It was one of those books that just lagged on and I ended up skimming through just to get to the ending.
  Finally, I'm going to stress the fact that autumn is flying by dreadfully fast. My favorite season is drawing to an end and it's only just begun! But on the plus side of things, Thanksgiving is approaching. I do enjoy a good Thanksgiving dinner. *daydreams of turkey and stuffing and the like*
  Another little update: I am officially starting 9th grade tomorrow! I may be just a tad bit behind...but given the fact that all of my schoolwork will be done online this year, I can do as many days' worth of school at whatever time in whatever place I need to, as long as there's wifi available.
  On that note, I leave you with a quote and a fond goodbye.

"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve." -Mary Kay Ash