May 01, 2014

Thinking Out Loud #1

Well this is new.
Same as What I Ate Wednesday, I have also joined in on Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.
All I can say is: prepare yourself for some nonsensical rambling...on a weekly basis.

I.  I was not aware that Hugh Jackman played the voice of Roddy in Flushed Away.

Seriously. Last time I watched it, I scanned through the credits and it finally clicked that the man who plays Wolverine...also plays this guy^^ 

II.  My grades are dropping and I am in panic mode. I'm over halfway done with all subjects but they are all less than an A. >.<  Nevertheless, I am still determined to finish my first year of online school with all A's. 
On the plus side, I am over 60% done with two subjects, and almost 60% done with the other three. I started in November of last year, so if I continue at my current pace I may actually have a change of finishing before the beginning of the next school year. I'm catching up (finally)!

III.  My workouts are few and far between, and I think it's taking a toll on me. I spend so much time lazing around; the desire to exercise is so nonexistent it's ridiculous. It's like I know I need to get off my butt and do something, but then there's Netflix...

IV. Speaking of Netflix, House is now available!

My most memorable episode was when a teenage girl had no ability to feel pain for some reason unbeknownst to me. I can remember wishing for so long that I had that disease so I wouldn't ever have to feel pain.
It never happened, by the way. I'm still normal.

Also, this Russian ballet documentary... I. am. in. love. I'm watching it for a second time and I'm amazed at the technique, emotion, and dedication of all the ballerinas.
Special mention goes to First Position, which I have watched three times. Going on four.
These documentaries don't make me want to pursue ballet as a career, but they certainly inspire me to work harder, whether or not ballet is in my future.

V.  I think I may be somewhat of a caffeine addict now. I bought a sample pack of caramel cappuccino mix a couple months ago (those sample packs are not cheap, might I mention) and since then I have been drinking this cappuccino at least once a day. Problem is, I think there might be too much sugar or some other unknown ingredient in there that's causing gut complications. Boo.

Then again, I'm probably overdosing on the stuff. Which leads me into...

VI.  I have discovered the cause of my supposed peanut intolerance: overindulgence. Simple as that.
Because I was in love with this particular peanut butter, I was eating far too much of it at once. I mean, four or five spoonfuls at a time. I think that'd cause problems for anyone.
So there's that myth, debunked. I do not have an allergy/intolerance.
I may, however have a slight binging problem. :/

VII.  I'm hoping to do something with Grandma before she returns home. I thought of interviewing her and getting some life advice that I could share on the blog. We'll see. :)

That is all for this week's TOL. Thanks for joining, come again, and all that jazz.