August 07, 2014

Epic Food Survey Part II

I forgot to write up a Thinking out Loud post this week... Sad day. 
Buuuuut thanks to Amanda's food survey, I don't have to miss out on all the fun! This will be a little 'replacement' in the meantime. Next week I'll be back on my regular schedule for sure.
Maybe. o.O

{PART 2}


I.  Do you prefer white or chocolate milk? 
I'm not much of a milk fan, but I can tolerate it if it's in cocoa form. Chocolate, all the way.

II.  What's your favorite brand of yogurt?
I don't eat yogurt all that often either, but my mom buys the huge containers of low-fat vanilla Yoplait, and if I'm feelin' it, that's what I go for.

III.  Do you think you get enough calcium?
Probably not. Which is bad because I have low tolerance for pain so if my bones decide to break on me, I will probably die shortly after from shock alone. O.O

IV.  Where do you get most of your calcium from?
Cottage cheese.

V.  What's your favorite type of cheese?

VI.  What's your favorite way to eat cheese?
Low-fat, small curd, cottage form.

VII.  What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Vanilla with peanut butter stirred in, and chocolate chip cookie dough.

VIII.  When you make oatmeal, do you make it with milk or water?

IX.  What kind of milk do you drink?
Vanilla soy, and vanilla almond if I'm lucky enough to find it on sale!

X.  What's your favorite thing to do with cottage cheese?
Eat it; literally, I don't need to put anything in it. Alternatively, I can put it on top of or in anything - my list is long.


I.  Are you vegetarian or vegan?
In this stage of life, I am neither.

II.  If you aren't vegetarian or vegan, could you ever be?
Absolutely. I wrote up a long post ages ago about veganism and how I support it but I'm not about the animal rights movement. 
[if you decide to follow the link, be forewarned there is one photo near the end that is extremely graphic and cannot be unseen].

III.  What's your favorite type of meat?
I'm not a fan of red meat, and I've eaten enough chicken and turkey to last three lifetimes, but I suppose, depending on its form, if chicken is the only option I will take it.

IV.  What's your favorite type of fish or seafood?
I haven't had a lot of experience with sushi (read: one experience) but the one time I tried it, I was hooked. If it's good, quality sushi, it holds the key to my heart taste pallet. 
Tuna is another good one.

V.  Hamburgers or hotdogs?
Hamburgers. As I said before, I'm not a huge fan, but I cannot eat hotdogs. They make me feel icky. 

VI.  If you have a barbecue [grill] is it propane-powered or charcoal?
I don't have one, but my dad is on his second propane after the charcoal and the first propane stopped working. Funny story: dad doesn't get ties and shoes for Father's Day, he gets tool chests and recliners and grills. We spoil him well. ;)

VII.  What is your least favorite type of meat?
Pig meat; ham, bacon [so sorry, America!], pork, etc. I can't take it. I can't.

VIII.  Is there a type of meat you haven't tried yet but would like to?
I would really like to try lobster, crab, and more exotic meats like alligator and *I'm drawing a blank here*...think of the craziest animal on the planet...platypus! I wonder if anyone's ever tried that. 

IX.  What's the most exotic meat you've ever eaten?
I had calamari at Olive Garden once... 

X.  When you eat meat, is the portion bigger than a deck of cards?
Not usually, no. 


I.  What do you put in your coffee?
Jeeze, I put a lot of different things in. Sometimes, if I'm feeling basic, I'll put a little creamer and some sweetener in, but if I'm feeling more "adventurous" I'll put in some cocoa mix, some cappuccino (go figure), or maybe some protein powder. I like to experiment sometimes. Don't knock it til you've tried it.

II.  What do you put in your tea?
If I have to drink tea: lots of sweetener. I used to be obsessed with tea, but now I can hardly stand it, in any form. 

III.  Do you like the taste of water? 
Yes yes yes. Water is my favorite (besides coffee, obviously).

IV.  Do you drink water every day?
Probably way more than I should. I carry around a 24 oz. water bottle and refill it 3-4 times a day; and that's not counting the sparkling water I drink on occasion!

V.  What's your favorite flavor of diet soda?
The kind I don't drink

VI.  Do you think you drink too much diet soda?
If never is too much, then yeah. 

VII.  Do you prefer to eat or drink your calories?
I dunno, cappuccino is really good...but so is peanut butter so you've kind of caught me in a tough spot here. I like both a lot!

VIII.  Do you drink energy drinks?
Not unless coffee counts. ;)

IX.  What's your favorite smoothie recipe?
I'm not very adventurous with smoothies (partly because my little single-serving blender broke *sad face*), but I like peanut butter, banana, almond milk, and chocolate smoothies a lot. I think that might actually count as a milkshake w/o ice cream, actually.

X.  Do you flavor your water?
Sometimes, if I have flavoring packets on hand. I've tried infusing it but my favorite is the ready-flavored Sparkling Ice bottles. Lemonade is my fave. <3


I.  How often do you eat something unhealthy?
If by "unhealthy" you mean "gloriously balanced between sweet and somewhat healthy, because food is food and as long as you don't go overboard it's all good" the answer is: every day, sometimes more than once! 

II.  Do you prefer a sweet or salty treat?
Sweet. Unless of course I'm craving something salty; in which case, chocolate does not do.

III.  What's your favorite salty treat?
It honestly depends on what I'm craving. Sometimes pretzels, sometimes peanuts, sometimes popcorn.

IV.  What's your favorite sweet treat?
See above answer.^^

V.  What's your favorite brand of chocolate bar?
I don't usually buy chocolate in bar form, so I'm gonna go with what I know from experience and say Hershey's.

VI.  When was the last time you went out to eat?
Tuesday, but...

VII.  What did you order?
...I didn't order anything because I wasn't feeling 100% so I had a bottle of water and a Larabar I had stashed in my bad for who knows how long.

VIII.  Do you tend to binge on unhealthy foods around your house?
Again with the "unhealthy" wording...
Yes. I do. When I say binge I mean eat without really thinking about it because the food is tasty. I'm getting better though! 

IX.  Chips or popcorn?
Popcorn, always popcorn!

X.  What's your favorite flavor/brand of chips?
I don't hardly ever eat chips, so I really don't have a favorite. I used to love sour cream & onion and barbecue Pringles.

There you have it: the second and final part of the food survey!
Thanks to Amanda for writing it up. Join in if you're feelin' it! :)



  1. I absolutely adore your answer to how often you eat something unhealthy <3 Life's too short to say no to good food and make yourself miserable as a result. And I keep meaning to try adding protein powder to my coffee, but I always forget. Need to get on that. Must be tasty.

    1. It really depends on the brand, ya know? Crappy protein powder will ruin the whole drink. :p
