June 02, 2014

10 Day You Challenge ~ Day 8

Agh! Once again, I let the day's hubub get to me and I didn't post on time. (I missed this weeks Spill it, Sunday too. :'(   I need to set up a blogging schedule!)  On the bright side, you get two days' worth of Challenge posts in one. 

Films - another favorite category of mine! And once again, the difficulty of choosing a small amount has arisen... hmm. How about we count trilogies and related films as one, eh?  ;)

1.  The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies.
Granted, the third Hobbit film hasn't been released, so I can't vouch for it just yet. I'd have to admit, I was a little disappointed with how the storyline went so far off what Tolkien originally wrote. Don't get me wrong, I love the actors and the writers and Peter Jackson and everyone involved - their delivery had no flaws whatsoever - but come on, Legolas wasn't supposed to be there, Tauriel wasn't supposed to exist, there should be no romance between Fili and anyone else, just... No. Nope. Sometimes there are lines you should not cross.
I commend Mr. Jackson (and Andy Serkis) for his phenomenal work as director; but the whole Fili-Tauriel and Legolas-Tauriel thing just isn't working for me and I can't get over it.

2.  The Chronicles of Narnia.
I have seen these films many times over. I can't remember exactly how young I was when I first saw "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." Young enough to be occasionally confused, but old enough to enjoy.
I've probably seen it two dozen times, and I still find things I've overlooked every time I watch it over again. (I may have had a thing for Peter way back when...then Caspian when he came around).

3.  War Horse.
I sat here for the longest time trying to pick just one more favorite. I should really calm down on the movie-watching. There are far too many on my mental list of favorites to simply pick three.
I think my love of War Horse really speaks for itself; even if you're not a fan of historical storylines and European men (really, though, who isn't a fan of that last one?), this movie will draw you in. I didn't cry but I was on the verge during multiple circumstances. If you're prone to producing eye-waterfalls when watching movies, this is one you're gonna need a whole box of Kleenexes for.

Someday I'll have to write out a list of my favorite films because listing three (correction: nine) isn't going to cut it.
'Til next time.


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