April 10, 2014

Cake for a Friend

Yesterday was my best friend's 15th birthday. 
She's away right now, along with all means of communication. No phones are allowed where she is, which means that I have not spoken to texted her since last Friday.
In fact, four other best friends have gone on the same trip as she and I haven't been in contact with them either. I haven't spoken to or heard from all five of them in nearly a week!

Deprivation does a thing to the mind. In this case, I decided to take control of my depression and - instead of destroying everything in my path in a fit of rage - bake a cake. 

If you so desire, you can duplicate this cake by using this recipe and adding about 1 1/4 cups of mini chocolate chips to the batter. 

I took pictures of the actual process, but the lighting in my kitchen is so poor, everything turned out a wretched yellow-orange color. The pictures that did turn out halfway decent had to be edited like crazy before I deemed them worthy (Camera + is the saving grace of all my crappy iPod photographs). 

 The middle caved in a bit, as you can see. 
Also, the recipe said to bake for 22 minutes...it took me 35. And the middle caved in. 

But it was filled with mini chocolate chips so I can't complain too much.
I used this recipe  for the icing, only I didn't put in any cocoa powder, and instead put in some blue food coloring.

This here is what happens when you don't let the cake cool COMPLETELY before lathering it with frosting.
Personal note taken.

In conclusion, the cake tasted marvelous. I'm beginning to see it as a self-pity-party cake more than a Kaylee's-15th-birthday cake. 

This shows just how dependent I am upon my friends. I need them more than I need cake (believe me, I do need cake every once in a while) and no matter how many mini chocolate chips I shove in there, they can't make up for my platonic lovers.

Hurry up and get back from Florida, guys, I miss you!