July 18, 2013


  Recently, I took a nine-day vacation to the faraway lands of Mississippi [and by far away, I mean a whopping eleven hours away] to visit my cousin and her family. 
  While on this trip, I realized that I have an issue with being away from home for too long. For the first five or six days, I suffered from chronic Homesickness; in my defense, I've only been that far away from home once, and it was for two days, not nine. Yes, I got over it and ended up not wanting to go home, but this trip really got me thinking... I  have only three more years before I leave the nest. If I don't learn to understand that being away from home doesn't mean I'm going to die, I'll never survive college or a four-week dance intensive, let alone a week-long vacation. So basically I've decided that if I ever want to see the world, I'm going to need to get over my anxiety and not be afraid of leaving home. That's easy for some people, but for me that's probably one of the hardest things I've ever tried to do. I can't even go to a 5-day camp without crying at least once! 
  But for real, I have to figure out a way to at least lower the intensity of my anxiety. I don't have what's even close to the worst case of anxiety, but either way it's still really difficult for me to leave home for more than a couple of days. 
  On another note: I followed the trend and decided to dip-dye my hair with red Kool-Aid. It's been exactly three weeks since I dyed my hair, and the color has just now started to fade thanks to the chlorine in my pool. I'm contemplating whether or not I should do this, but for my birthday, my friend gave me a bottle of blue hair dye and said "for when your red hair fades out"... it's not Kool-Aid, it's "semi-permanent", meaning I'll have blue tips for a good few months if I follow up with it. I'm probably going to wait until after summer's over, that way the color won't change when it hits the chlorine and in my opinion, blue would be a very nice winter-y color. 

  In other news, I have decided to do more DIY stuff so there's a way for me to get blogging. Short update there. Yay!

That is all. Farewell, and may the hair on your toes never fall out!

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." -Albus Dumbledore